Faculty Videos

Tosiron Adegbija

Director of Graduate Studies

high-performance embedded computing
low-power embedded systems design


Ali Akoglu

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

adaptive hardware systems
high-performance computing
reconfigurable computing



Boulat Bash

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

applying information theory to practical problems of reliability and security


Ali Bilgin

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

data compression
magnetic resonance imaging
signal and image processing


Siyang Cao

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

adaptive radar systems
innovative sensing systems
radar signal processing


Ivan B. Djordjevic

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

optical communications and networks
quantum information processing


Wolfgang Fink

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and inaugural Edward & Maria Keonjian Endowed Chair

artificial vision
autonomous robotic space exploration
biomedical sensors


Christos Gagatsos

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

quantum and classical sensing


Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

autonomic cybersecurity
big data analytics
resilient cloud services


Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

data science
machine learning


Professor of Practice for Electrical and Computer Engineering

electronic circuits
embedded microcontrollers
semiconductor processing


Regents Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

cognitive and software-defined radios
MIMO communications
wireless networks


Loukas Lazos

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

network optimization
network security
wireless communications


Ming Li

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

information security and privacy
wireless networking


Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

machine learning
signal and image processing


Michael W. Marcellin

Regents Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

data compression
digital communication and data storage systems
signal proces



Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

computer vision and robotics 
intelligent systems
machine learning


Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Inclusion, College of Engineering

antennas for computing
microwave circuit design 
wildlife tracking


Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Engineering

response of optical materials and devices to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation


Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

fault tolerance
quantum error correction


Director of ECE Online Programs

automated image analysis
signal-image-video processing and analysis


Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

multicore design
smart grid and smart home
VLSI systems for biomedical applications


University Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Raymond J. Oglethorpe Endowed Chair

design and analysis of complex systems
modeling and computer simulation

Litton Industries John M. Leonis Distinguished Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

information and coding theory
machine learning
wireless communications


Professor of Practice for Electrical and Computer Engineering

digital signal processing


Associate Department Head of Electrical and Computer Engineering

control theory
engineering education


Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

digital communications
error correction codes
memory and storage systems
quantum error correction

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

millimeter-wave and THz devices


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