Ming Li
Ming Li is a university distinguished scholar and professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Arizona and is an affiliated faculty with the Computer Science Department. He was an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Utah State University from 2011 to 2015. He received his PhD in ECE from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 2011. His main research interests are wireless and cybersecurity, with current emphases on cross-layer optimization and machine learning in wireless networks, wireless physical layer security, privacy-enhancing technologies, and cyber-physical system security. He received the NSF Early Faculty Development (CAREER) Award in 2014, and the ONR Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award in 2016. He is a fellow of IEEE (Class of 2024) and a member of ACM.
- PhD Electrical and Computer Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2011
- MS Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, 2008
Teaching Interests
Computer and network security, cryptography and data security, wireless security and cybersecurity, computer networks, wireless networks, and data structure and algorithms
Research Interests
Information security and privacy, wireless networking, wireless security and cybersecurity, and security in cyber-physical systems
Textbooks/Most Significant Publications
- Yanjun Pan, Alon Efrat, Ming Li, Boyang Wang, Hanyu Quan, Joseph Mitchell, Esther Arkin and Jie Gao, "Data Inference from Encrypted Databases: A Multi-dimensional Order-Preserving Matching Approach", The 21st International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (ACM MobiHoc 2020), October 11-14, 2020 (Acceptance rate: 15%).
- Xiaolan Gu, Ming Li, Yueqiang Cheng, Li Xiong and Yang Cao, "PCKV: Locally Differentially Private Correlated Key-Value Data Collection with Optimized Utility", 2020 USENIX Security Symposium, August 2020, Boston, MA.
- Mingshun Sun, Yanmao Man, Ming Li, and Ryan Gerdes, "SVM: Secure Vehicle Motion Verification with a Single Wireless Receiver", The 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec 2020), July 8-15, 2020 (Acceptance rate: 26%, Best Paper Award).
- Yanjun Pan, Yao Zheng and Ming Li, "ROBin: Known-Plaintext Attack Resistant Orthogonal Blinding via Channel Randomization", IEEE INFOCOM 2020, April 2020, Beijing, China (Acceptance rate: 19.8%).
- Wenjing Zhang, Ming Li, Ravi Tandon, and Hui Li, "Online Location Trace Privacy: An Information Theoretic Approach", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), June 2018.
- Boris Aronov, Alon Efrat, Ming Li, Jie Gao, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Valentin Polishchuk, Boyang Wang, Hanyu Quan, Jiaxin Ding, "Are Friends of My Friends Too Social? Limitations of Location Privacy in a Socially-Connected World", The Nineteenth International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (ACM MobiHoc 2018), Los Angeles, June 2018 (Acceptance rate: 16.9%).
- Nirnimesh Ghose, Loukas Lazos and Ming Li, "Secure Device Bootstrapping without Secrets Resistant to Signal Manipulation Attacks", The 39th IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (Oakland) 2018 (S&P 2018), San Francisco, CA, May 21-23, 2018 (Acceptance rate: 11.48%).
- Jesse Victors, Ming Li and Xinwen Fu, "The Onion Name System: Tor-powered Decentralized DNS for Tor Onion Services", the Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETS), Vol. 2017, No. 1.
- Cyrus Shahabi, Liyue Fan, Luciano Nocera, Li Xiong and Ming Li, “Privacy-Preserving Inference of Social Relationships from Location Data: A Vision Paper”, ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2015 (CCC Blue Sky Ideas Award, 3rd place).
- Ming Li, Zhenyu Yang and Wenjing Lou, “CodeOn: Cooperative Popular Content Distribution for Vehicular Networks using Symbol Level Network Coding,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Vol. 29, No. 1, January 2011 (Best paper award nomination by IEEE ComSoc MMTC).
- Kai Zeng, Wenjing Lou and Ming Li. "Multihop Wireless Networks: Opportunistic Routing," Wiley, 2011.