Welcome From Department Head

Michael We

Welcome to UA Electrical & Computer Engineering!

For more than a century, ECE at the University of Arizona has been in the vanguard of engineering education and research. The department is dedicated to an inclusive, diverse, creative environment. It’s a place where everyone has opportunities to engage in transformative learning, conduct groundbreaking research, and advance technologies – all for the betterment of society.

Electrical and computer engineering permeates every facet of our world. It designs the smallest electronic devices and the largest power grids. It brings us communication technologies, sustainable energy systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and biomedical devices.

Get Real-Life Experience with Flexible Specialization

ECE faculty are renowned researchers and leaders, extraordinary teachers and dedicated mentors. The department provides a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs that emphasize problem-solving skills, experiential learning and immersive educational experiences. And students are given the flexibility to specialize in preferred focus areas.

Students delve into design, manufacturing and commercialization at all levels of the undergraduate curriculum in the college’s Craig M. Berge Engineering Design Program. It culminates with an interdisciplinary capstone project, the crowning achievement of the undergraduate educational journey.

But ECE is far more than an academic department. It’s a lively, nurturing, inspiring community, where student success is paramount. Through engaging lectures, hands-on labs, collaborative research, and industry internships, the program equips students with the tools to excel in a constantly evolving technological landscape.

Do Research, and Keep Technology on the Move

In ultramodern labs, faculty and students turn ideas into reality, with strong industry ties and institutional support ensuring the commercialization of many inventions. ECE at the University of Arizona drives innovation in countless industries, revolutionizing the ways in which we live and work. Research focus areas include:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Autonomous Systems and Robotics Communications
  • Biomedical Technologies
  • Circuits, Microelectronics and Very-Large Scale Integration
  • Communications, Coding and Information Theory
  • Computer Architecture and Cloud/Distributed Computing
  • Optics, Photonics and Terahertz Devices and Systems
  • Quantum Information Science and Engineering
  • Signal, Image and Video Processing
  • Software Engineering and Embedded Systems
  • Wireless Networking, Security and Systems

Exciting possibilities await you. Join us and help make a lasting impact on society!

Bear Down with ECE!

Hongyi "Michael" Wu
Department Head and Thomas R. Brown Leadership Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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