Industrial Advisory Board
A Crucial Resource
The Industrial Advisory Board for U of A Electrical and Computer Engineering is a liaison between the department and the community, providing valuable perspectives, helping ECE forge partnerships with business, and advancing academic and research excellence. The board provides advice and support for academic and outreach programs, research agendas, funding models and student career paths, among other efforts.
Brad Burres
Senior Distinguished Engineer, DGX Cloud
Kyle Chong
Senior Manager of Test Engineering
Anne E. Cortez
Chief Operating Officer
Conspec International
Michael Jackson
Corporate Vice President, Research & Development
Cadence Design Systems
Dave Milne
Senior Chief Engineer, Control Systems
Honeywell Aerospace
Anthony Mulligan
Chief Executive Officer
Stephen Phillips
Director and Professor
School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
Arizona State University
Mark Pierpoint
Senior Vice President of Strategic Innovation & Partnerships (retired)
Keysight Technologies
Richard Reinhart
Chief, System Architectures & Analytical Studies Branch
Glenn Research Center
Richard B. Scholes
Signal Processing Chief Technologist
Raytheon Missile Systems
Robert Semelsberger
Vice President Emeritus, Rincon Research Corporation
Chair, University of Arizona, Applied Research Corporation
Raja Suresh
Director, Research & Development
General Dynamics Mission Systems