Research Centers

Simulating, Connecting and Computing

Arizona Research Institute for Solar Energy

AzRISE is a response to the challenge of planning for large-scale, affordable solar energy power generation and training the workforce that will make the transition possible. Research goals include identifying, funding and coordinating Arizona-specific solar energy research opportunities, developing intellectual property, and promoting development and widespread adoption of solar energy.

Director: Kelly Simmons-Potter


Broadband Wireless Access & Applications Center

BWAC researchers are developing technology and standards to create flexible, efficient, reliable and secure wireless access and application solutions to support the tremendous growth in wireless data traffic. BWAC is funded by the National Science Foundation and works with industry and academic partners to pursue large-scale research programs and create new visions for the wireless industry.

Director: Marwan Krunz


Center for Quantum Networks

CQN is a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center led by the University of Arizona, with core partners Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Yale University. The CQN team’s research areas include advancing quantum materials and devices, quantum and classical processing required at a network node, and quantum network protocols and architectures. CQN also aims to demonstrate the first U.S.-based quantum network that can distribute quantum information at high speeds, over long distances, to multiple user groups.

Director: Saikat Guha, Optical Sciences
ECE team member: Bane Vasić, Boulat Bash and Narayanan Rengaswamy


Center for Semiconductor Manufacturing

CSM develops advanced technology solutions for global demand and workforce training that promotes sustainable economic development and national security. The Chip Design program focuses on analog and digital designs, as well as architecture for new training. Applications range from everyday devices to ultramodern technology for biomedical engineering, defense, green energy, and photonic and CMOS+X materials.

Director: Liesl Folks
ECE team members: Tosiron Adegbija, Ehsan Azimi, Eung-Joo Lee, Janet Roveda, Soheil Salehi, Michael Wu and Hao Xin


Center to Stream Healthcare In Place

C2SHIP is a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center led by the University of Arizona in partnership with Baylor College of Medicine, University of Southern California and Caltech. Its mission is to engage academic and industrial partners in developing in-place health care technologies and help establish healthcare equity. In addition to researching the design and manufacture of wearable sensors, the team is also developing machine learning models to extract meaningful information from these sensors and display it for care providers and patients.

Director: Janet Meiling Roveda
Site co-directors: Kathleen Melde, Hao Xin and Ao Li


Cloud and Autonomic Computing Center

CAC is a National Science Foundation Industry and University Cooperative Research Center with a focus on the research and design of information systems and services that are self-managed with minimal involvement by users and administrators. The center broadly encompasses cloud computing systems and applications including storage and networking, data center design, cybersecurity and systems software.

Co-director: Salim Hariri
UA site director: Ali Akoglu


Wireless Innovation towards Secure, Pervasive, Efficient, and Resilient Next G Networks

WISPER is a National Science Foundation Industry University Cooperative Research Center partnership between the University of Arizona, Virginia Tech, George Mason University and 27 telecommunications and defense companies committed to collaboration. Its mission is to influence national and international 6G technology initiatives. Center leaders will leverage involvement with the key stakeholders, provide guidance to standardization bodies and cooperation partners, lead the development and implementation of a secure and cost-effective next generation wireless network, and train a workforce prepared to tackle complex next generation challenges.

Director: Marwan Krunz
Co-director: Michael Wu

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