About ECE
Creativity in Research and Beyond
ECE’s flexible curriculum and interdisciplinary research enable students to focus on the areas in which they are most interested.
Offering bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees – with online BS and MS options – the 100-plus-year-old UA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is a nurturing environment for aspiring entrepreneurs, CEOs and inventors.
Stand out! Earn your Electrical and Computer Engineering or Computer Science and Engineering degree at a leading research university in a high-tech, bioscience hotspot. Be prepared for an outstanding career in the global marketplace.

The ECE Student Experience
"You’re in a tight-knit team, and you actually get to compete with your engineering, which is really fun."
Wolfgang Roettiger, ECE senior and vice-president of the Wildcat Robotics club
Applicable Academics
Creativity applies to more than research at ECE. The department is a leader in student-centered learning. Core classes incorporate discussion, one-on-one help, hands-on activities and team projects. Outside the classroom, internships, research and design projects, and activities in clubs and professional organizations help prepare students for success in areas as far-reaching as health care, energy and the business of high-tech. Earn your bachelor’s or master’s – with online options – or doctoral degree at UA ECE.
Mission to Keep Arizona Competitive
The UA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is dedicated to developing and maintaining programs of excellence in teaching and research that support the state of Arizona as a leading center for high-technology industry and help the nation in development and application of electrical-, electronic-, and computer-based high technology.
Fast Facts
among U.S. public universities
(Center for World University Rankings)
$7.6 million
annual research expenditures (2024)
Top 20%
best value public university
NSF CAREER awardees
IEEE fellows
research centers