ECE 340A
Introduction to Communications
Required course: Yes
Course Level
Course Texts
B. P. Lathi and Zhi Ding, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press. (ISBN 978-0-19-533145-5, inclusive access on D2L).
Course Description
Specific Course Information:
2021-2022 Catalog Data: Analysis and design of analog and digital communication systems based on Fourier analysis. Topics include linear systems and filtering, power and energy spectral density, basic analog modulation techniques, quantization of analog signals, line coding, pulse shaping, AM and FM modulation, digital carrier modulation, and transmitter and receiver design concepts. Applications include AM and FM radio, television, digital communications, and frequency-division and time-division multiplexing.
Learning Outcomes
Specific Goals for the Course:
Outcomes of Instruction: By the end of this course the student will be able to:
- Identify the major signal types and obtain their key properties such as energy, power, correlation, cross-correlation, auto-correlation.
- Obtain Fourier Series for periodic signals.
- Sketch the magnitude and phase spectra for periodic signals and identify the discrete frequency components.
- Obtain Fourier Transform for aperiodic signals and use it to sketch magnitude and phase spectra.
- Use Fourier Transform theorems to describe frequency-domain effects of specific operations in the time-domain (such as time-shift, scaling, convolution, etc.).
- Calculate the bandwidth and the signal-to-noise ratio of a signal at the output of a linear time-invariant system.
- Explain the operation of amplitude and angle modulation systems in both time and frequency domains.
- Sketch the magnitude spectra and compute the bandwidth and power requirements of signals.
- Design a basic analog or digital communication system which can include a) the selection of a digital or analog modulation format, b) the block diagram design of a transmitter for the system, c) the block diagram design of a superheterodyne receiver for the system, d) the design of a time or frequency division multiplexing scheme, as appropriate, and e) the choice of an appropriate pulse shape and A/D converter to meet the performance requirements.
- Evaluate a given analog or digital communication system in terms of the complexity of the transmitters and receivers and the power and bandwidth requirements of the system.
Course Topics
A brief list of topics to be covered:
1. Signals and Signal Space (Chapter 2, Lathi/Ding)
- Signal Classification and operations
- Signal Correlation, Orthogonal signal sets
- Fourier Series, examples, properties
2. Analysis and Transmission of Signals (Chapter 3, Lathi/Ding)
- Fourier Transforms
- Signal Transmission through Linear Systems
- Ideal vs Practical Filters
- Signal distortion over communication channels
- Signal power, energy, spectral density
3. Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation (Chapter 4, Lathi/Ding)
- Baseband vs Carrier Communication
- Amplitude Modulation
- Frequency Division Multiplexing
4. Angle Modulation and Demodulation (Chapter 4, Lathi/Ding)
- Nonlinear Modulation
- FM modulation
- Superheterodyne analog AM/FM receivers
- FM broadcasting system
5. Sampling and A/D Conversion (Chapter 5, Lathi/Ding)
- Sampling Theorem
- Digital Multiplexing
- Differential PCM
- Delta modulation, VOCoders and video compression
6. Principles of Digital Data Transmission (Chapter 6, Lathi/Ding)
- Digital communication systems
- Line and Pulse coding
- Scrambling
- Digital Carrier Systems and M-ary Digital carrier modulation
Relationship to Student Outcomes
ECE 340A contributes directly to the following specific electrical and computer engineering student outcomes of the ECE department:
1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts