
AI-HDL Awards Ceremony
Join the University of Arizona AI Hardware Design League (AI-HDL) as they celebrate their participants' achievements, hear from industry experts, and honor the winners of their inaugural international competition.
AI-HDL was launched in October 2024 and is led by Dr. Soheil Salehi, an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a Fellow of the Center for Semiconductor Manufacturing. Since the launch, AI-HDL student teams have been developing critical, in-demand technical skills for the semiconductor industry, with a strong emphasis on leveraging large language models (LLMs) to accelerate hardware design. The awards ceremony will highlight the work of the participating teams.
When: Thurs, March 27 from 3-5 PM (MST). Reception with refreshments to follow.
Where: Grand Challenges Research Building, Rm 130, 750 N Cherry Ave
RSVP: bit.ly/AI-HDL