ECE 578

Fundamentals of Computer Networks

Usually offered: Fall

Required course: No

Course Level





ECE 175

Course Texts

Computer Networks, A Systems Approach, 5th edition, Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011.

References include:

  • Data Networks, 2nd ed., D. Bertsekas, and R. Gallager, Prentice Hall, 1992.
  • Computer Networks, 5th ed., A.S. Tanenbaum, and D. Wetherall, Prentice Hall, 2011.
  • Computer Networking, A Top-down Approach, 5th ed., J. Kurose and K. Ross, Addison Wesley, 2009.

Course Links

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to the fundamental principles of computer networks and data communications. Emphasis is given on current technologies and architectures for establishing direct link and packet-switched networks, sharing access to a common communication medium, internetworking and routing, end-to-end flow control, congestion control and recourse allocation, and network security.


There will be approximately eight weekly homework assignments on the topics covered in class. There will also be one midterm exam, three projects and a final exam.

Typical grading policy: 20% homework, 20% midterm, 30% projects, 30% final exam.

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