Money Names UA Engineering a Top-Value Grad Program

In Money’s most recent “The Best Colleges in America,” released in November 2023, the University of Arizona College of Engineering earned 4.5 out of 5 stars for its master’s programs. With scores based on annual costs, typical debt burdens, employment rates and early salaries, only three of the top 50 engineering programs earned 5 stars.
Money’s inaugural analysis of Best Graduate School Programs found that University of Arizona master’s engineering graduates have a 100% employment rate and an average early career salary of $94,070.
The College of Engineering offers 16 master’s and 11 PhD degrees. Online engineering degree options are available for many master’s programs as well as graduate certificates, and most departments have accelerated master’s degrees.
Steady growth in UA Engineering’s research expenditures, which reached $63 million in 2023, and strong ties to industry and government afford graduate students ample opportunities to do high-level research and internships, said Kelly Simmons-Potter, also a University Distinguished Outreach Professor in electrical and computer engineering, optical sciences and materials science and engineering.
A three-person team of UA Engineering graduate students worked with mentors from the MIT Lincoln Laboratory to conduct and publish cybersecurity research as part of the federal Information Security Research and Education, or INSuRE, collaborative.
“We were able to get very close to real-world data analysis,” said Arminda Estrada, who is pursuing a doctoral degree in electrical and computer engineering. “Working on this project helps propel our educational and career goals in cybersecurity.”