Janet Roveda Named Fellow of National Engineering Organization

April 17, 2024

Janet Roveda joins top 2% of nation’s health-related engineers as a fellow for the American Institute for Medical and Biomedical Engineering.

Janet Roveda, center, accepts her AIMBE fellowship certificate at the 2024 induction ceremony on March 25.

Janet Roveda, center, accepts her AIMBE fellowship certificate at the 2024 induction ceremony on March 25.

Engineers are improving the health of patients with tools and technology that monitor and measure health parameters in innovative ways. Wearable devices are at the cutting edge of this research, giving caregivers and health care professionals the means to track ailments in unprecedented ways in real time and help patients in remote locations.

The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering has recognized Janet Roveda, professor of electrical and computer engineering and biomedical engineering, as one of the nation’s top contributors to these efforts.

Roveda was elected to the 2024 AIMBE College of Fellows. The institute specifically cited Roveda for her work on sleep apnea diagnosis, real-time wearable sensor-based stress management, and time-resolved fluorescence bioinstrumentation, as well as leadership in translational research.

“I’m honored to join AIMBE as a fellow,” said Roveda. “This recognition is especially meaningful because I was nominated and elected by peers I respect highly, and I have joined the esteemed company of colleagues who are improving the health of millions.”

Learn more about Roveda's research here.

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